Monday, May 14, 2012

Banana Armour

A Plus, or A +, the slim and slimy organ of the HKICPA, has insinuated its oozing, suppurating way onto my desk with the news (on page 4) that there was a thing called a Beat the Banana charity run on 4th March in which a bunch (geddit?) of accountants took part. Despite the name, this is not a specifically accountant-oriented event, but is part of the World Cancer Research Fund's worldwide fundraising programme.

According to the WCRF's Hong Kong website, the run is based on participants chasing a life-sized banana with the aim of beating it across the finish line. So, not beating the banana in the sense that my reader would have first thought of. (Admit it, Joycey.) And, curiously, by "life-sized", they mean a human dressed as a banana, i.e. the same size as a human being. In other words, not life-sized at all.

(That's enough about bananas - Ed.)


  1. I think both Joycey and myself were thinking of where the hell on a banana is the finishing line and whether a fork or whisk would be the best.

    On that very day, this year, I was off in foreign lands letting cord number 1 slip through my fingers as some guy with his shirt on backwards mumbled something in a familiar tongue.

    Two weeks earlier the struggling NHS diagnosed constipation! Wrong C.

    So, yea, beat that banana and for all it worth. (No doubt it`s all spent on booze)

  2. Only accountants could find this event appeeling.

  3. I take you (and Joycey's) point, Bazza.

    I hope the chap's tongue wasn't _too_ familiar.

  4. No tongues but plenty of old men with weird handshakes. Aprons and daggers stuff, not that I`m privvy to those clubs.
